Listen- Everything is here to serve you.
In the depths of my teenage years, or your teenage years, you most likely had trouble navigating every new experience you were faced with. At exactly that time, our egos started gaining more attention and recognition, and we began thinking about ourselves more deeply. For me, my younger years were filled with bittersweet moments, switching between “Why is this happening to me?” and “How grateful I am to be alive and growing.” The moment you gain deep consciousness of your experiences, you’ll open your eyes to how everything is beautifully orchestrated for you.
I remember a period of time when my parents were strict. As a 14-year-old girl, I did not understand their parenting approach, nor did I want to. I simply wanted everything to go my way and held strong to my beliefs. This exact characteristic—whether I rebelled or asked millions of questions—held significant growth toward my identity. I believe it’s healthy for a child to have their own ideas and ideals, no matter their age. Life is designed to serve you growth and lessons, therefore continuously developing your soul. The pain you feel while going through something so personal to you is there to guide you. Some might call this optimism, but I call it "The creation of your reality." The number of people who have tried to bring me back down to "reality," claiming that I am overly positive and optimistic and that I shouldn’t ignore the real world, is significant. However, I have always stayed true to my authentic self. I've simply embraced every moment, including the down ones, not claiming anything as my own but letting everything flow through me.
The more we try to fight people against their truth and beliefs, arguing how they're wrong, the further we get from identifying our truth. Humans are designed to think differently from one another. It's one of my favorite human attributes. The knowledge you can gain from simply shutting up and listening to someone other than yourself is priceless. Listening without absorbing any of it. You'll find everything about yourself in everything around you. But you won't be able to see yourself in everything if you don't see yourself as everything. Painful, what seems like excruciating internal changes, I promise you, holds more light and abundance than you could have ever imagined. Don't fear your own truth or power.
The reason most people fear listening to others is that a part of themselves thinks that if they were to do that, they'd lose their own ideas and beliefs. You'll realize this truth once you look deeply into your relationships with others around you. We go through moments of being open and understanding, to blocking what we feel isn't right for us and our identity. The ego claims its beliefs and sets them in stone, therefore creating your identity. This is healthy, and you can choose what to absorb. However, breaking free from yourself ties in with everything else in life. Making a decision, taking a risk, or having a new interest does not contribute to the loss of self. Opening yourself up to new ideas, points of view, emotions, and perspectives does not mean it will change you in a negative way. Your whole life, you have gained everything you needed from everything around you—your personality, your fears, your talents, your perspectives, and your interests. We have to thank how this world was designed to its own perfection. Yet we were designed to experience it with our individual filter on. The most complex people I have met seem to be very in tune with their own ideas, yet their hearts are wide open. Being open means not minding a dig at your own ego. I love complexity—there's something so exhilarating about it, and it's all around you, in every person you meet. To look at everything with light and importance is beautiful. A new part of you is hidden within the next experience you go through.
Having passion and love toward the strangers we meet, whether they hurt our ego or not, is power. Don’t get me wrong; build yourself up in a way where you don’t tolerate negativity. But open yourself up in a way where your energy influences the people around you in a positive way. Connection is far too important to ignore. If we were to contribute to each other's personal growth rather than criticize it, the world would be a much brighter place.
“build yourself up in a way where you don’t tolerate negativity”
“Don’t fear your own truth and power” well said Anna